TME Tuesday: I Don't Like

Have you ever noticed how many songs there are about things we like? Here's one where we get to state and celebrate the things we don't like. I have the sheet music, if you'd like it. Just leave me a comment, and I'll send it to you. Otherwise, take the idea and make your own song!!

Therapeutic Music Experience
Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC
I Don't Like

Purpose: To provide opportunity to express emotions about things not preferred in musical format; to engage in conversation about opinions; receptive language; expressive language; attention to task; leadership development; creative expression of emotion and opinion

Source: Original song. © September 17, 2012 by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

Materials: Guitar or Keyboard; OPTIONAL: pictures of desired and undesired objects or experiences

Environment: Group members in location where they are able to see and interact with the therapist easily.

In minor key
i           v     i          v                i           v     i                 v
I don’t like eating veg’tables. I don’t like anything at all.

i                                          iv                                       v                       i
There are many things that I don’t like real well, and I will say them all!

Procedure: R = Reinforcement opportunities; C = Redirection/Cue opportunities; A = Assessment
1.      C=start singing song, replacing underlined words in song with personal dislikes, modeling desired behavior
2.      A=assess whether group members are singing along
3.      R=reinforce all attempts to join in the music making process through verbal and nonverbal means. Redirect attention of group members who are not attending to the task
4.      C=repeat song, changing lyrics again to reflect other things not preferred.
5.      Repeat steps 2 and 3
6.      C=offer leadership of singing experience to group members
7.      C=continue to provide accompaniment to group members who act as leaders
8.      A=assess whether group members volunteer to lead the singing
9.      R=reinforce group members who act as leaders
10.  Repeat steps 1-9 until group members start to show s/s of boredom, disengagement, or when time runs out

Therapeutic Function of Music:
The music provides a socially appropriate outlet for expressing dislikes of objects, situations, and other thoughts. By putting these expressions of negativity to music, group members can offer insight into their preferences and non-preferred things in manner that should not be socially inappropriate. The music contains several elements that can be easily adapted to accommodate differences in processing speed, articulation, and other elements of participation. These elements include timbre, pitch, dynamics, tempo, and lyrics. All of these elements can be changed to provide group members with success during the TME.

Minor key, mostly downward to illustrate frustration musically
Variable to accommodate group members’ preferences
Variable to accommodate group members’ preferences and needs (sensory and attention needs)

Variable – due to improvised nature of lyrics and experience
Variable to accommodate group members’ preferences and needs (sensory and attention needs)
Variable to accommodate group members’ preferences and needs (sensory and attention needs)
Variable to accommodate group members’ preferences and needs (sensory and attention needs)
Chart adapted from Hanson-Abromeit, D. (2010). A Closer Look at the Therapeutic Function of Music. Presentation at 2010 American Music Therapy Association National Conference: Cleveland, OH.

·         Offer pictures or word cards with preferred and non-preferred items

  • Start discussion about opinions and facts


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