The Creativity of Others

I love getting ideas for therapeutic music experiences (TMEs) from other therapists. I've always required my interns to share their TME files (one of their assignments) with me when they are finished. After all, I've always shared mine with them, so turn about is fair play, right?


I am a proud subscriber to Music Therapy Mailings, an idea started by Rachel See and continued these days by Tracy Reif. If you haven't tried this out, just know that it's a lot of fun. I subscribe, and then I get stuff! Sometimes the stuff is focused on self-care. There are always materials and things to do with clients, but it's up to me to take those materials and make them therapeutic - to turn them into TMEs.

It's fun getting things in the mail, first off. Second, there are different things every month, so I get new, fresh, and creative ideas from those envelopes.

When I get my stuff, what do I do next?

I first take stock of what's in there. Second, I start to think about how to use the materials with my clients. The things that come in my envelope spark new TME ideas for me, and I start to write them down for my TME file. Sometimes I get lots of new ideas. Sometimes I don't. That's the nature of my particular brand of creativity.

Here's a picture of this month's loot! Check it out!!

musictherapyworks,com; music therapy resources; music therapy mailings

If you're curious, I get no benefits, perks, or kickbacks for anything that I mention on this blog. I simply have fun talking about the things that I enjoy using and getting.



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