I Try to Post Every Day...

...but there are some days when there just isn't anything to say. I'm beginning to believe that this is one of those days.

My only thought is that of dread. I am not dreading the time spent with my clients. I enjoy music therapy with my clients. 

I am dreading the afternoon of sitting in the dark, constricting room that is my music therapy room. Does anyone else not like their space? Mine is small. It is dark. It has only one small window that doesn't let any type of light into the room. It is painted gray. There is barely enough space for the clients that have to come into to the room, and there is no space for line dancing or marching, running, or jumping.

When I start to feel this way about my space, I leave it. Today, however, I need to stay and make some changes.

I am getting ready to start individual sessions again. This has been something that I have sorely missed and have been looking forward to for almost a year. Over the past year, my music therapy space has morphed into a group room. The setup is not all that convenient for individual sessions, so it's today's job to move things around the room to make things a bit more accessible for individuals but to still indicate a barrier for groups. Ugh.

I hope this will be an easy process, but I'm not sure. I think I will move the drum set from its cramped position in the group corner to by my desk. If I do this, I could keep the set up and accessible all the time.

The piano is a problem. Right now, it barricades most of the cabinets and my desk area from wandering clients who do not need to be over there during music therapy group sessions. For the drum set to work, it would have to take over most of the barricade job. But then, where should I put the piano? I need it more during my individual sessions than during group sessions, and I don't want to get rid of it, but it is bulky and in the way. 

So, it is time to figure out what I want to try next and just go boldly into a new plan.

I have to remind myself that it is not permanent - nothing is in my room except for the stereo placement, the cabinet location, and my computer setup.

Maybe I will get some Command strips and rehang the artwork that I had in my old room. Looking at those things would bring some sunshine back into what I consider to be a gloomy room.

Okay - here's the plan.

I will move everything in my room this afternoon. I will take things out of the cabinets. I will move everything away from my desk. I will try things out. I will move things more than once. I will stay until I can get a semblance of organization, and then I will try things out for the rest of the week. Then, I have a week away from the entire thing. Then, individual sessions!!!

Wow, for a day where I didn't think I had anything to say, I certainly said plenty.

Happy Monday, folks.


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