I Don't Want To Go!

Ugh. I have to go to work today and do music therapy. 

Most of the time, this is a good thing, but I'm just not really feeling it right now. This is probably due to several things. First, no one in my family is having to work right now - they get to hang around the pool, go to the beach, and go do touristy things whenever they want. Second, it is hot and sunny here. I don't do very well on hot, sunny days. The humidity just wears me out and makes me hurt everywhere, so I don't look forward to heat advisories and high humidity. Third, I am tired. Just plain old tired. There is no good reason, but I'm tired.

So, today it is taking an effort to get myself up and out the door. I will be fine once I get started, but I'm not getting started easily.

The day started before my alarm light went off. (I can't use an alarm clock because they startle me too much. Imagine every day starting with a startle reflex. It's not pretty, and the cat hates when I bolt out of bed, scared!) So, I was awake before the light turned on, but I wasn't happy about it. Once the light went off, I laid in bed for an extra hour just reveling in the fact that I didn't really have to get up yet. Of course, that made everything else an hour later, but that's a natural consequence to taking an extra hour to relax - your schedule gets changed.

Anyway, I am here now, writing about this and looking at the clock. I will be "late" to work this morning. I put "late" in quotations because I am never really late. I will actually show up at work at the time I am supposed to arrive daily rather than my usual earlier than early arrival time. I have already finished 2/3 of my documentation for sessions from yesterday, so I have very little to do once I get to work.

Session plans are finished. We are going to drum today in all of my groups. We probably won't drum for long. My students are currently tired as well. They go swimming at least every other day, and they get exhausted. We'll drum a little bit and then move into some other TMEs.

I return to the clinical team meeting this afternoon. It will be an hour of things that have little to nothing to do with me, but I go because I need a place to be represented. I haven't been to the meeting for the last two months because I had physical therapy appointments. I'll be going again now that I am released from PT. 

Today, I am going to take a songbook to work so I can play the piano. Playing just for me helps to lift my mood and makes me feel a bit more settled in my own skin on these bright, sunny, hot and humid days. So, I will take in my Rise Again Songbook and play through as many different songs as I want during the day. I'll immerse myself in musicking and use the music to vector my mood on this day of great reluctance.


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