The Follies of Friday

I woke up this morning with a really good idea for a blog post that made me think, "I need to get this down as soon as possible." Of course, by the time I actually got myself to the computer to write, the idea had just... gone.

So, you are stuck with this blog post instead. Maybe the other one will eventually materialize, but that's just the breaks. (That's why I have super sticky post-it notes on my desk and in the car. You never know when good ideas will strike - don't let them go away!!)

I have today off. We get a random day off in the middle of April just because. Today is that day. I have an early morning Skype date with a friend of mine (we're working on a project, but just like to talk to each other as well) and then I think I'll go grocery shopping. It's also payday, so I can afford to buy ANYTHING I WANT! Speaking of that, I should probably eat before I go shopping - otherwise I will buy ANYTHING I WANT - that's never a good thing. Then, I want to finish my last several AMTA presentation proposals to submit before the deadline next Monday.

Today is the 15th, my "What will I do next" planning day for the website and my professional life. On the 15th of every month, I spend some time thinking about stuff. Sometimes I get good ideas, sometimes I don't. We'll see what happens today. 

I am currently watching Bunheads on Freeform, and there is a recurring commercial about stopping smoking so that cats will live. The premise appears to be that smokers cause cancer in cats due to the secondhand smoke thing. The commercial tries to use the idea that if people smoke, all the cats will die, and then there will be no more cat videos. I wonder why someone thought that would be a good idea for a commercial.

Sorry for the random nature of this post - it's what happens when I lose the good idea that I had in the wee hours of the morning. 

It may be time for some fresh air...

It's time to move into this day, to plan, to shop, to eat Chinese food, to talk to my friend, and to spend time getting my home environment straightened up a bit.

Have a wonderful day, music therapists! 


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