This may be a short post. Be prepared.

This has been a long night, and I don't really feel well, so I think I'll just put a couple of thoughts down on this blog and then go to work. I know, I know. Go to work? Yep. I have to. I have no more sick time so I have to go to work.


There have been several themes that have popped up in my life this week. The first is self-care. The second is perfectionism and anxiety. I don't know if Facebook is in any way linked to this blog (probably is - hello, Big Brother), but things have been popping up on my newsfeed about both of these topics. 

I spent some time working through my first art journaling assignments in my e-course - The Art of Imperfection. I will be continuing. Friends have been posting links to articles, memes, and other links about these topics as well. I don't think that many people know what I am currently seeking, but they seem to be seeking the same. I think that's why they are my friends.

Have a good Wednesday.


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