Supplemental Sunday: Transferring From Paper to Laminate

I love making things for my clients to use during music therapy. Over the years, I have made file folder activities, sentence strips, lyric sheets, schedules, large things, small things, good things, and bad things as well. Over the years, I have developed a system to test my visuals with my clients.

First step - make the visual aids. DO NOT LAMINATE!
Second step - try with clients. Don't fret if the visual aids get destroyed - it's important to see how clients like the concept and the execution of the concept.
Last step - if clients seemed to find the visual aids helpful to the TME, then make a new version and LAMINATE! If they didn't, write the idea down for the files and then don't keep the originals. If you find clients who will be able to use the visuals later on, then you can make them and laminate them now.

Lamination is my way of indicating that an idea is an effective one. Since I pay for my own laminating materials, I tend to get somewhat picky about what I am going to laminate. I just see dollar signs when I reach for the laminate.

Having said all of this, I had an idea last week that I tried out this week that I will be laminating. Do you remember last week's Supplemental Sunday post? There was a picture of a white circle on a black background. I added carrot noses to each of the visuals that I put together before presenting them to clients. I made face pieces (eyes, mouths, and tears) and put them on the background with poster putty so we could move those pieces around. My clients seemed to love it. There was lots of giggling and interaction during the TME about emotions and making the snowman look like the emotion. It's time to laminate this!!

I also finished the color folders that I've been talking about for quite a long time. There is a music-themed follow the lines deal where you start at different places around the picture, trace the line with the color indicated, and then there is an abstracty-type picture with an eighth note in the center. There is a color recognition game board - like Candy Land. Then, there are two matching folders - matching colored crayons and color-labeled crayons to colored envelopes and color words to envelopes.

I now have to find my TMEs to go along with all of these folders. I do have lots of color songs, but nothing specifically for these visuals. I can adapt and extend things I already know, but I want some more to supplement my library. I foresee lots of improvisation in my near future. That's the most fun anyway, so I'll improvise with my clients and see what happens. That's the best part of all! IMPROVISATION!!

Happy Sunday!!


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