Thoughtful Thursday: A Year From Now

On my desk, I have a small box that is filled with cards. The box came last month in my packet from Music Therapy Mailings, and I am enjoying the inspiration I get from that little box. (I cannot wait until I get the next packet!!) I have decided to choose a card per week to think and write about. On each card is a quotation, and these quotations make me think more deeply about things.

I have rules for how to choose an inspiration card - basically, I randomly choose a card and place it at the front of the box where I can see it from my computer every day. I cannot switch or change the card until Thursdays after I have written about the thought.

Today's thought comes from Karen Lamb.

A year from now you will wish you had started today.
-- Karen Lamb

This quote leads me into many questions. What should I be starting today? Is it okay that I don't really have anything to start? Do I need to be looking for something to start? Is the pressure and demands worth it right now?

When I start to think about these questions, I feel that there is a certain amount of pressure to grow, both as a human and as a professional music therapist. I also feel that that pressure is something that is just part of being a responsible music therapist - growth is essential in order to continue to be a therapist. How we grow is up to us.

I made an admission to a friend of mine this week. I haven't taken the last several editions of the music therapy journals that are part of AMTA membership out of their protective baggies. I haven't been interested in reading them, so I haven't even opened them up. This is something that I feel a bit guilty about, but not enough to start opening them up yet. Maybe this thought leads me into reading my journals. I know that the research that others are doing out there in the world enriches my understanding of how music works with people, but I have this reluctance to read it.

A year from now, what will I wish I had started today?

Who knows, but I am hoping that, a year from today, I am released from care from my ACL injury, that I have full function in my left knee, and can sit cross-legged on the floor again. That's my hope for December 18, 2016.

What will you start today?


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Read along as you listen to the journal club podcasts at! Janice


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