Thoughtful Thursday: Brian Tracy
I have been at a loss lately since I stopped doing Favorite Thing Fridays. I enjoy writing with some structure on some days. I also enjoy alliteration (can you tell?), so I've been looking for something to inspire me to write on a regular basis. I found it last Saturday when my first Music Therapy Mailing arrived at home.

In my mailing, there was a small box that contained a variety of inspirational quotations. A-ha! Something to write about on a regular basis. Direction. Structure. Something else to do!

Be forewarned - there are 230 quotes and ideas in this little box, so there is lots of fodder for these days. I am thrilled. I start by living with this quotation for a week before writing about it. I spend time thinking about the ideas and how they affect or are defined by this place... at this time in my life.

This week's quote is from Brian Tracy.

I wrote yesterday about my dread of the day Wednesday. This quote was really true for me yesterday. Do you know what the world threw at me yesterday? Completely unrealistic expectations that turned out not to be true. The day went very well - only one box of instruments thrown across the room (I don't think Brian meant literally thrown, but it works in this case...) and other students who have been mean, nasty, and very aggressive who turned themselves around. It's a good thing, too, since I had a migraine on top of all of the rest of the stuff.

I am constantly amazed by the resilience of the human spirit, and I think this is why humans are so resilient. We are complex organisms, but we are adaptable, we can change, we can learn to live with situations that are untenable.

I think this quotations defines the complexity of the human spirit and reinforces the idea that each one of us can be strong when we need to be. I am ready to find out what is next in the box and in life.

I am starting down the path of next week's thought. 


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