Supplemental Sunday: My Turkey Ideas

The original kit

One of the goodies that I received this month from Music Therapy Mailings was a turkey kit. Here is a picture of the pieces in their original package. I saw this and started to think about the things I could do with more than one of these kits. Instead of searching for another kit, I traced the pieces of the kit onto the cardboard inset in the kit, and now I have the makings of my own file folder activity!

I am always on the lookout for things that I can use in many different ways. I am working on a folder activity that includes Todd and Tammy Turkey, dressing for Thanksgiving. Right now, the therapeutic purposes for this song/TME are kinda vague as I haven't completely fleshed it out, but most of the composition is finished, so the rest will come along as I use it with kids.

The pattern pieces
That's the really nice thing about visual aids (or supplementals, as some call them). One visual aid can prompt many different therapeutic music experiences - there should never be a time when you only have one thing to do with a visual. You should be able to use it over and over again to enrich the music therapy experience.

Tom. Todd and Tammy will look a bit different!
Currently, I have three songs to sing about this guy - Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Fat Turkeys, Super Turkey (song by Jan Essinger, video link courtesy of Janice Lindstrom, music therapist extraordinaire!), and the developing Todd and Tammy Turkey saga. Three more, and I can justify keeping this guy in my clinic space!

Everyone, meet Tom. Tom, meet everyone! Tom needs some lamination to be ready to go to work with me, but I am confident that he will make a great addition to my Thanksgiving TMEs for many years to come (and, since I have a pattern now, I can make more, if needed!).


  1. I have three more thanksgiving songs for you, two of them turkeys! Send me an email and I'll scan the music in and send it to you.

    1. I'd LOVE them!! For some reason, Thanksgiving just doesn't get the attention it really needs. It's the introvert of holidays, so I am always on the lookout for more and more options!


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