Supplemental Sunday: Look What I Got!!

I am home from AMTA 2015, and I am feeling exhausted, full of thought, and contemplative. Yesterday, I bought myself two ukuleles. I've never really had a good uke before and I figured it was time to plunge into the world of ukuleles. I trudged around the conference with my big West bag containing my two new instruments, and, when the day was over, I brought them home to find my first Music Therapy Mailing waiting for me by the door! This is the first time that I've signed up for something like this, and I can tell you that I a)wish I had had this idea because I've loved the thought since the beginning and b)loved the things that arrived. They started a inspiration cycle just before I fell asleep last night.

Here's one of my ukuleles, sitting on top of my Music Therapy Mailings envelope. The uke is a Kala Waterman - it is made out of plastic but is surprisingly good sounding. It is also waterproof and easily cleaned. This is an essential in my world.

It is green! One of my two favorite colors. (There weren't any yellow ones, unfortunately.) It was also cheaper than the other colors for some reason. I just wanted the green one, so the cheaper price actually ended up being a good thing for me. I like green, but I guess others don't. Good thing for me!!! 
The stuff in the envelope was fun, surprising, and inspiring. There is a turkey kit that has inspired the beginnings of a song, file folder activity, and "help the turkey find his feathers" TME idea. There is also an Autumn activity board with some stickers and stuff. I got a slide whistle, Christmas BINGO cards, four reindeer clips on small clothespins, and some hand sanitizer. The last thing that I got was the box there in the left corner. This is an inspiration box with 230 different quotations to use for inspiration.

I've mentioned before that I really like this idea (and wish I had had it first!). I've never been able to sign up before, but I have been anticipating this package for the past month. I hope that the other months that I've signed up for will be just as inspiring!

If I have time, I'll flesh out my ideas for the turkey file folder this week in order to post it soon. We'll see how the week goes.

Have a wonderful week, all!


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