Starting the Freak Out Process Now

The one big thing on my calendar that has made everything else shift and move is now over. The AMTA Conference in Kansas City was wonderful and profession-affirming, but I missed all of the socializing that I usually do when I am in the hotel. It is now over. So, now I have to do all of the things I was putting off until after AMTA.

I have two weeks to get myself organized for Christmas. You may be thinking, there are five weeks before Christmas, but I have surgery on my ACL on December 1, so I have to get all of the things that need to be mailed to various places in the world out before then. After December 1, all gifts will be sent directly from the retailers to the recipients. I still have some questions about how the entire thing will happen including how I will get money for living and the like, but I am confident that everything will come together.

Before then, I need to crochet four pairs of slippers, clean my entire house, send packages, talk to the medical folks, stop listening to ACL horror stories, organize music for Advent, find a portable ice maker, and keep myself from anxiety attacks when I think about surgery. Oh, I forgot the next edition of sing about songs for distribution by December 10th! I have only 8 more days of work until surgery, and I think that my session plans are ready to go!! I can check that off the list!

I will try my best not to freak out too much over the next two weeks, but I use this blog to process my emotions, so this may be a theme that comes around again.

I was really happy to see many of you at AMTA this past week! Thanks for reading!!


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