Not Quite Ready, But It's Just About Time

Tomorrow is the end of my injury and the beginning of my recuperation and recovery. At this time tomorrow, I will be a mess. No water, no distractions, nothing to keep me from my anxiety except for my own mantras and breathing. Today, however, is another story. Today, I can have water, I can find distractions, and I can continue to clean to counteract my anxiety.

My home is looking pretty good, but it is not ready to be declared "clean-ish" yet. Long story short, I have lots of stuff and limited space to put the stuff in. My to-do list is shrinking a bit as well. I have finished all of my Christmas shopping and, by the end of today, it will be on it's way to California and North Carolina. I still have lots of work to do in the living room, but much of that is towels, so it will be cleaner when the towels are washed and dried. The rest is paper stuff that I should have organized and thrown away many months ago. By today, it will be neater.

Tomorrow I can spend some of the last hour before I get picked up for surgery vacuuming all of the carpet that I have uncovered.

Other than cleaning today, I am going to rent some crutches and send the packages. I am going to make a tuna noodle casserole (not everyone's favorite, but it's comfort food for me) and then freeze some stuff for reheating later.

People keep asking me what I need. I honestly have no idea what I need other than good thoughts sent out into the universe and interaction through social media. I think the rest of the stuff that I can anticipate is covered. There will inevitably things that I have not thought about yet, but then I can ask for help from the many people who have offered. I have stockpiled movies, books, and projects for this next month, knowing that I would have to keep myself entertained. I've changed my Roku box setup so I can access lots of stuff from all around my house, and I know that I have plenty to do both physically and mentally to keep myself occupied.

Enough of this. It's time to strap on Mildred, my current brace, and get to work. I may not be blogging as predictably in the next week, but I'll write when I feel the urge. See you on the recovery side of things!


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