It's Been A Strange Saturday

I am all out-of-whack and significantly off-schedule as I sit down to write this blog post at almost 10am my time! 10am!!! (Just in case you don't know, 10am is VERY late for me - I am an early bird and am usually writing these posts between 4 and 6am, not at 10am.) I've already done lots of things this morning, but none of my regular Saturday morning-type things.

There is something quite liberating in breaking away from expectations (especially your own expectations). 

I am now sitting down to write about music, therapy, and me.

Music? My clients spent the week singing with me. Some new songs, some old, some spookified by changing the mode, some games, some just to sing. We listened to music by Muddy Waters, sang our own Cloudy Day Blues (written by Blythe LaGasse when she was a mere practicum student many moons ago), and spent some time working on learning more about music. There was even a karaoke session.

Therapy? I continue to feel the lack of opportunity to interact with my clients in a more individualized manner that I am allowed to do these days. It is difficult to spend lots of quality time with each client when you have 60 minutes to keep them all engaged in musicking. This continues to frustrate me, but I will be very ready to get back into a more regular routine as soon as I am allowed to do so by my doctors. I'm reading about music therapy, I'm planning and strategizing, and I am studying everything I can right now in preparation for the day I am considered fit enough to be fully certified and safe!

Me? I thought I was getting my copy of Inside Out at the post office today, but it turned out to be other movies from the Disney Movie Club - some for me, and some for my sister for Christmas. Hers are all educational. Mine are not. Mine almost complete my Avengers line-up - I'm just missing Ultron and the Hulk movies. That was a happy surprise. My head hurts, just a bit, in my right temple. That should blossom quite nicely just in time for Trunk or Treat tonight. I have my 1000+ pieces of candy ready. I am hoping that I will have some leftover for AMTA, or I will be shopping for more (I always offer treats at my presentations these days!!). I have this pressing need to find my camera bag - I need to charge my camera battery for this evening's festivities, and I cannot remember where I put the camera bag. It is not where it is supposed to be - darn it!

This day is going to work out well. It will be what it will be. In addition, things will happen the way they need to happen. The rest of today will be spent getting ready for Trunk or Treat, printing off things for AMTA (did I mention that I have donated a basket of goodies for the Take-A-Chance Drawing? Well, I have!!), and laminating a bunch of fun things for use in sessions!

It's been a strange Saturday, but it will be a good one. I hope yours is the same!


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