Wednesday is Finished...On to Thursday!

Do you know what? Yesterday was a pretty good day.

My last session of the day actually went pretty well. The class is understaffed, but we were able to handle the situations that happened. Only one student had to leave, and he left BEFORE he got angry or aggressive or stirred up anyone else. One good session in 10 weeks. Finally - one good session!

I solved a mystery yesterday. Many of us have not been receiving emails sent out on a distribution list. Everyone has been blaming the elusive "server" for this issue, but it wasn't. I looked at the distribution list and found that all of the education staff with first names starting with Kev-Z were not on the list. Hmm. NOT a server issue - human error caused this. Someone deleted the rest of us off the distribution list... an easy fix for our IT guy, when he gets around to it. I think I deserve at least a candy bar for my mystery solving acumen. We shall see if it appears!

I got home last night to find that a cicada has taken up residence in my dryer vent. I don't usually mind the sounds of our cicada population, but this one is a bit too close for my comfort and for Bella-cat's comfort. We're both trying to figure out how to get rid of it. I think there may be some laundry in Bella's near future. We'll see if the dryer use will encourage the insect to move on.

I still haven't found a Thursday Tune. I'm still searching for something that I can use to motivate myself as I head into the last day of group therapy sessions, intern webinars, and getting ready for Friday. Any suggestions?

I had a good composition moment on Tuesday - a song about playing instruments for specific counts just popped into my head right before my sessions started. This was a good thing. I like it when songs pop into my head fully formed! It doesn't happen often, so when it does, I put them into a fixed format immediately. I've used the song six times this week already. I think it's a keeper. I just need to set it into my TME file to make it completely formal!!

Tomorrow is my first appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. I hope I will get information on how and when we will fix my knee. Then I can move forward rather than staying in this holding pattern.

So, my week is looking up. It's amazing how much better things seem on the "finished" side of difficult tasks.

 I hope you have some finished things to check off on your to-do list.


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