Supplemental Sunday: On Top of Spaghetti

So, it's Sunday again, and it's time to show you another Supplemental/Visual Aid something or other. Here is one - my version of On Top of Spaghetti - file folder style!! Simple idea, isn't it? Take a song that you know (preferably one in the public domain, if you are interested in selling your product), and turn it into a lyric fill-in-the-blank. Draw some pictures, use some fancy scrapbooking tools (I use them to make the square shapes so I don't have to cut out all of those boxes over and over), and laminate everything. You're good to go!

If you are interested in making your own version of this file folder activity, head to the website to download the pictures. Enjoy!!

Simple, right?

Yep. Yet it works on several different things. When I use this folder with clients, we are working on symbol to sound correlation, sustained attention to task, fine motor coordination, executive function (especially if we get the cards in the wrong order - we have to figure out what needs to change in order to get the correct order... in the mean time, we giggle about going out the cheese instead of door - good social interaction through common humor), and other therapeutic goals.

By the way, this is the plain version of this song. I always make a plain, manila file folder version of anything I make before I make pretty, fancy, more visually stimulating versions. Some of my clients do not respond well to pretty, fancy, and more visually stimulating. It's important to remember that my need for pretty, fancy, and visually stimulating is not always what's best for my kids. They are the reason I do music therapy - without them, I'm just singing to myself! To decrease stimulation even further, I would remove the blue background behind the pictures and replace it with black background.

Something to remember as you are making visual aids for your clients - anything you make in file folder size can be made in large group size and vice versa. I could make this song into a large group visual aid by making it large enough for a group to see during the session, or I could make it work for a 1:1 session by shrinking it a bit, if needed. Trying to get a group of clients to see a file folder is just not appropriate. So, if you want to take this idea into a group, make it bigger. Use at least a posterboard, if not something larger.

Happy Sunday!

How would you use this supplemental with your clients? Let us know in the comments!


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