The Last Day of Summer...School

This is it. The last day of summer school has finally arrived, and it is time to finish up the school year. One more day of group treatment and then it's time to focus on some self-care.

My vacation plan has changed. I was hoping to go camping for a bit or spend some time at the lake just spending time in nature and enjoying the sound of water, but my plan has changed. Now I'll be spending time at the Worker's Compensation clinic, trying to figure out what will happen with my knee. Navigating the sand at the lake is out of the picture, and the camping thing is complicated when you cannot tote or fetch things from one place to another. My self-care will have to take another path this time around.

Today's plan is to run four group sessions, figure out the Master Schedule for 12 days from now, and generally clear up the clinic space. I need to remember to bring the guitar back home for this break. I have some songs to compose for the next round of sing about songs due to be released in early September. The composition process is not difficult, but it does require the guitar and the keyboard for me to be complete and successful. Once I get back home, it is time to sign-up for insurance for next year (we get to do this online this year rather than having to meet with the school district HR department - hooray!). Tomorrow's plan is starting to take shape as well. 

The plan for tomorrow includes going to yet another doctor to start this process of trying to get treatment AGAIN. We should be able to move forward this time since the MRI is finished and we now know what is happening within the joint. I hope I will know what is next for me after about 10:30 tomorrow morning. After I get back home, it is time to putter around the house until 7pm when the next intern webinar starts (self-care!). 

It's time to get started on my today to-do list, so, see you!


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