Currently, I am...

Reading: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - I read these books about once a year, and I am in the 5th book right now. I enjoy these books, even though I have read them over and over again. I like the stories.

Playing: On my computer - Windows 10 is here, and, so far, so good. I am trying to figure out where things like my game tiles have gone, but everything is working pretty well. My screen goes black occasionally, but it does come back. We'll see about all of this...

Thinking: About the to-do list that I have to accomplish during this Fall Break. I get to check some things off which is nice!

Feeling: Tired, nervous, ready for a break

Watching: NCIS Season 11. Not-so-Secret: I am a binge-watcher. I've been watching one of my favorites, Mark Harmon, for the past several weeks. I am now in Season 11 and am mourning the fact that I will have seen all of the episodes in about 14 more views. What will I watch next? Maybe I'll start over!!

Listening: Squeaky fan in the back room and the NCIS soundtrack accompanied by the clicks on my keyboard...

Planning: My trip to the Worker's Compensation doctor today as well as what I am going to do in the next 24 hours.

Eating: Nothing yet, but I am thinking about the frozen burrito in my freezer, but will probably skip that in order to maintain good bowel manners during my doctor's appointment (I'm a nervous patient and don't need additional setting events to add to that).

Drinking: My staple, water!!

Loving: Vacation!

Hating: That it's only 11 days long!

Looking Forward: Figuring out what we're going to do with my knee.

Dreading: Finding out what we're going to do with my knee.

Waiting For: The sunrise. I hope it will be a good one today.

Dreaming About: Music therapy in the future... what will music therapists be doing when I retire? Students will be learning music from my generation - Take On Me, things by groups like Wham!, Air Supply, A-Ha, Adam Ant, David Bowie, Aerosmith, Metallica... the list goes on! No You Are My Sunshine for my generation!


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