Synthesis Sunday: My Week In Review

I have a confession to make. I haven't done anything this week that could be considered "growth in music therapy." I've just been able to hang on and keep moving one step forward. There are weeks like that.

In the life of every person, there are up weeks and down weeks. This was definitely a down week for me. It started a week ago with deep thoughts and is ending today with more deep thoughts.

My thoughts have been varied this week - here are some of them...
  • It's not my job to "fix" you. Nor is it your job to "fix" me.
  • No one should ever have to do bus duty alone.
  • Why can't clients just get along?
  • I don't really get paid enough.
  • Meetings are often a waste of my time - let's be efficient, relevant, and productive in meetings.
  • Why do I get so tired on Wednesdays? Oh, right, the client-getting-along thing. And the meeting thing.
  • Why is it that I have paralyzing anxiety when I have to do simple medical tests that millions of other women do without an issue? Why?
  • What will the Supreme Court decisions of this week mean in history? I think those decisions will be regarded as turning points in our society and our country!
  • Should I open the Journal of Music Therapy that just arrived? Probably. Will I? Probably not.
  • Why do cats always get upset stomachs in the middle of the night?
  • Why don't I like Doctor Who? Why??
  • Being patient can be a drain on optimism.
  • Why are people scared of change?
  • Why do I insist on keeping so many books?
  • What should I eat for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
The last question here is the one that is foremost on my mind right now. Maybe I'll have some spaghetti. That sounds pretty good to me.

I didn't do much to forward my understanding of music as a therapeutic medium this week, but that's fine. Some weeks are better for this than others. Maybe I'll have something more important to synthesize next week. Maybe not. Summer is here, things are hot and humid here, and I tend to be lazy when the weather gets this way. Tell you what. I'll open my JMT this week to see what's going on in the world of research and see if there is anything that is relevant to what I do with my clients on a daily basis.

One step at a time.

Right now, the step is to finish the laundry...


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