Historic Times, Indeed

Wow. This has been an amazing week when it comes to the Supreme Court. Whether you agree or disagree with the decisions that were made, this has been a week of history.

I have lived through many historic times, when I come to think about it. Some of them I don't really remember, but I was alive - the end of the Vietnam War, the resignation of Nixon, the Bicentennial in 1976, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the start of the Space Shuttle program and many other NASA projects (my favorite historical events, by the way), the fall of the Berlin Wall, the tragedies of Challenger and Columbia, 9-11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and countless other historical moments. I have a feeling that this week is one of the weeks that will be remembered for always as a turning point in the lives of many Americans.

How will the decisions made this week affect me? 

Not much. The ruling on Marriage doesn't affect me other than it will compel my father into many, MANY discussions with me about his opinions (which significantly differ from my own). The ruling on the Affordable Care Act doesn't have a direct effect on me at this point in my life, but it may affect the types of clients that I am able to treat in the future. My hope is that music therapy will become more accessible to people who would benefit, but I am not really sure how this particular decision will move us toward this goal. My attitude? The more people who can access health care means the more people who can access this wonderful treatment modality!

We will see what the future holds for us as individuals and as a profession.

Regardless of your way of thinking about these decisions, it must be recognized that this was a historic week. We are moving through history, present here in this time, and I think this will be a turning point for us as a society.

Go into history, fellow music therapists!


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