Favorite Things Friday: Music Therapy Webinars

I love running webinars. I enjoy sharing what I'm thinking about in the world of music therapy and finding out what others think as well. Lately, however, I've run out of ideas on what to share with others. I still keep talking to interns, though, and find that their ideas and enthusiasm for this profession rejuvenates my own ideas and enthusiasm.

It always amazes me when we start to talk to each other about ideas, techniques, and such. We are a creative people, us music therapists. Who else do you know who writes music about using the bathroom, how to engage in appropriate social interaction, and keeping our hands to ourselves in one 60 minute session? Maybe the folks at Sesame Workshop come close to the things we do, but maybe not.

Maybe it's time for a new webinar on songwriting, composition, or creative TMEs with familiar instruments...

I wonder where I'll be in a month. Maybe a July webinar is in order.

musictherapyworks.comI've been toying with an idea for a Music Therapy Creativity Camp for some time now. I'm thinking of a place where music therapists can gather (in front of their own computers) to explore and compose new ideas. Maybe we'll meet in July on a Saturday morning...

(I like it when my creative juices get flowing.)

Check out the website for more details on this creativity camp! See you then?


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