Sleeping In

I have finally settled into vacation mode, and the result is I slept in until 6 am this morning! Now, for many of those night owls out there, sleeping in until 6 am is not sleeping in, but for me, the congenitally early-to-rise, 6 am is an extra three hours of sleep that I don't usually get.

This is one of the benefits of vacation. There really isn't much that I have to do - limited demands into my time - so I am able to really rest. No waking up thinking about things that I need to do... there's nothing out there that I MUST do. What a nice respite, but not the way I want to live my life from here on out.

So what am I doing during this vacation? I am working on a new product for the website (I'm hoping it's finished by June 4th - for a launch on "Theme Thursday!!). It's coming along quite well and will be good (I'm tooting my own horn here!!). I finished up a series of intern webinars last night (which always make me simultaneously happy and sad). I have finished conquering the great laundry mountain, and I have been reading all sorts of things - music therapy thoughts by Mercedes Pavlicevic and novels by Heather Graham, Phillipa Gregory, and Nora Roberts. I'm learning how to use QuickBooks and met with an accountant for that purpose. I've gone shopping and started my Christmas list already. I painted two baby gifts that are now waiting two sunny days so they can be varnished. I've been blogging daily, writing therapeutic music experiences, and spending time thinking about music therapy from different angles. I even wrote a letter to my Grandma. Wow - no wonder I'm sleeping a bit more. I've been busy!

It's time to start this new day of vacation. I didn't make my daily goal of getting out of my house yesterday. Today I will. I need to buy some hamburger meat and have room in the freezer, so that will be a good reason to leave my home and venture out into the world. I will spend some time eating food, talking to my family (who now call at any time since they ALL know that I'm home!!), and thinking about things. 

Deep things about music, therapy, and me!


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