Church Musician + Holy Week = Lots of Stuff Happening Here

One of my current roles is that of Director of Music at a small church in a small town about 20 minutes from my home. I love the people and the job, and have been there forever! This is the time of year when that role takes over most of my attention, energy, and thought process. It's Holy Week.

If you are not someone who is interested in organized religion or spirituality, you may want to skip over this post. I will not be offended. I'm not going to go into what people "should" believe - my thought is that you have to find your own way into what you believe, so if you don't believe what I believe, go in peace and understanding onto your path! There will be some discussion, however, of what goes on during this week in the life of a church musician. Fair warning.

Our Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday. Yesterday, we marched around the sanctuary waving palm branches and singing "Hosanna." I don't get to march anymore since I have to either play the piano or provide the singing. We had everyone up and marching yesterday, especially at the first service. Even the person who had an emergency appendectomy last week was waving his palm while moving around the room. It was a joyful noise that really started the week off right!

We now have two days off.

Wednesday will be the next day that we congregate. We have a Wednesday evening service followed by choir practice each week, so we will meet for our usual prayer and praise service.

Thursday is Maundy Thursday. This service is a celebration of the Eucharist, and my choir opted not to sing during the service, so I am taking over the music responsibilities. I make things like this easy on myself. I am singing something that I've sung for over 20 years now and will be able to sing it in my sleep, even if this week is stressful!

Friday is my favorite service of the church year (Good Friday). My church celebrates a service of tenebrae which includes songs, scripture, and extinguishing light to move into a time of darkness for three days. My choir has to sing for this service - they did not get a choice for this service, but will be singing! It is one of the most meaningful services that I have ever experienced, and I recommend that other folks who believe similar things try this type of service at least once to see if it fits their view of spirituality and belief.

Easter Sunday starts when the sun rises.

There is an old tradition where the first light that should be in a darkened sanctuary should be the dawn's light. The church where I work has a "sunrise" service, but this year's service isn't going to be linked to the dawn, it'll just be early.

I enjoy the spiritual and traditional aspects of this week. The idea of going through some of the steps of the last week of my spiritual center reinforces my belief system and makes my life richer somehow.

I just wish it didn't mean two extra services and all the extra music! Oh well.


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