Blogs I Like

My post for this day includes the blogs that I like... some are music therapy, some are not. As I am moving through this staycation of exploration and examination of all things music therapy, I am finding lots of things that I like and other things that I do not about how we present ourselves in the world. Here are some of the things that I like about blogs out there in the world...

Heartbeat Music Therapy - Have you read this blog? Have you listened to the Music Therapy Show? If you haven't, you should! Janice Lindstrom's site offers information on music therapy in general and music therapy with persons with autism in specific. There's an opportunity for an e-book, clinical supervision, and an attorney (if you need one). This site is chock-full of information and thought-provoking resources for music therapists.

Calming Manatee - This site has NOTHING to do with Music Therapy, yet I love it and use it often. Click on the link and you'll get a picture of a manatee with a phrase meant to be supportive and affirming. Summon another manatee, and you'll get another picture. There are times when I summon several manatees. There was one time when I needed some calming and some affirmation that I was working with people who just plain needed to be set straight, and a manatee came up that expressed my emotions completely. I like manatees 30, 25, 22, 32, 31, and 11. There are many others that just arrive when I need them.

The Bloggess - WARNING - The Bloggess is sometimes a bit profane, always irreverent, and just plain old hysterical. Her view of life comes to us through a history of depression, rheumatoid arthritis, and other things. She has an appreciation for bad taxidermy and metal chickens. I never fail to laugh when I read her posts.

I don't read many music therapy blogs. I often want more from people than they give. I get frustrated when I find a post that challenges me, makes me thing a bit about music therapy, and that promises more, just to find that there is nothing more. I am looking for a few good music therapy blogs - at least weekly posts, a good variety of posts about things to do and about deeper music therapy thoughts, and someone who challenges my own ideas about what music therapy is and can be. Do you have any recommendations?



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