Saturday Before the Snow

It is early on Saturday morning, and there is a storm getting ready to roll in. Or at least, that's what they say will happen. Of course, folks haven't really been correct about the weather lately, so who knows if we will get the 3-9 inches that are forecasted or not. I'm torn between wanting the snow and not wanting the snow.

Snow is really pretty on the days when I don't have anyplace to go. I can sit in my home and watch the pretty flakes fall from the sky. Unfortunately, I don't often have many days that I can stay home and not go anywhere. Today, however, is one of those days. Everything on my to-do list is home-related, so let it snow!

Tomorrow, however, is another story. I have a church job about 20 miles away from my home, so I'll need to be able to leave my house and go to the job. I'm hoping that everything will be plowed and treated by the time I have to go out. We shall see.

It is cold outside. It will be dark outside once the sun actually rises. The clouds will cover the sun, so there will be very little sunshine today. It will be a good day to light some candles, clean my bedroom, and try to corral the mess in the closets. It's a day of hibernation.

I have found hibernation to be essential in my self-care routine. There are times when I just have to stay at home and be at home. There are plenty of things to do at home, but most of the time, I don't do the things that need to be done - I do other things instead. Over the years, I have realized that this is part of my self-care routine - doing what I want instead of what I should (goblin!!)

I spoke to a group of interns about self-care this last week. I think that we, as therapists, don't always realize that caring for self is more crucial than caring for others. If we can care for ourselves and realize when we need more care, we can care for others from a place of security. A therapist who is not self-aware is a dangerous therapist. There are times when I am good about taking care of myself. There are times when I am not.

Today is a self-care day. I am going to spend some time catching up on tasks and getting things ready for different situations and committees. I have a meeting online in a bit. I am also going to do some actual cleaning. There will be cooking as well. I'm thinking spaghetti squash, spaghetti, and a wonderful sauce for meals for the next couple of weeks. Maybe I'll bake a cake as well - I have the ingredients for triple chocolate cake! Hmmm...

Take some time for self-care this week - however you care for you the best. I'm going to!


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