Playing Catch Up

This is my weekend to get everything I need to do for all the different places that I work for, volunteer for, and hope to work for all put together and finished. I have been woefully neglectful of some of my "jobs" lately as OCMT took over my life, but it is time to get back into my regular way of processing things and information.

I am making my to-do list.

It is growing exponentially as I am thinking about what I have to do in the next three days. Laundry, dishes, grocery shopping head the list. Also on the list is a CMTE proposal, finishing tasks for an e-course, laminate visual aids for work, do some research, AIAC applications, OCMT follow-up stuff, taxes, and preparing for two quick trips in the next month. I may need to be clothes shopping as well for something a bit more professional than jeans and t-shirts. Gotta project a facade of professionalism, after all!

There are times when I simply have to disconnect from some things in order to catch up on the things that are out there. This is one of those times. I will spend some of the day catching up on my sleep - something I haven't really had a chance to do since I've been denied my only day off lately. In fact, I'm going back to bed pretty soon - as soon as I finish this blog post and TURN OFF THE COMPUTER until my to-do list is finished and prioritized.

Once I am prioritized, I can get started with my plan on how to make the most of this weekend. I have Monday off, so I have an added bonus of another day off this weekend. This Saturday and Monday are my only days off this month as I will be traveling next week to sign papers for OCMT and its transformation into a non-profit organization (EEEEEE!), so I have to maximize these days to get all of my February tasks done now.

Time to disconnect from the outside world for a bit. See you when things get a bit more finished around here!


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