Favorite Things Friday - Organization Tips

Last night, I hosted a seminar about organization. This is one of my most challenging personal activities - trying to get the level of organization that I crave while still being able to have a life outside of my home. It is a challenge...
As you can see, my "office" area is quite a bit of a mess of things I think I need in order to do my job. There are music therapy journals, different types of paper, visual aids, card stock, textbooks, markers, envelopes, file folders, laminating supplies, pens and pencils, and lots of stuff. This is just a small part of what my challenge looks like.

Now, in my professional life, I am more organized. I have made myself be that way. This doesn't mean that things are always prettily arranged in a manner that would make you want to replicate my methods, but it is very functional. Functionality is the most important part for me.

This weekend's challenge?

Changing the office a bit. I am going to rearrange the office space a bit, and I will try to take pictures as I go along.

There may be some donations or eBay things that happen this weekend as well.

So, what types of organization tips do you have? I'm looking for more than just "if you haven't used it lately, get rid of it."


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