New Year Chores - Things to Do to Keep Up Professionally

Today is the first day of this new year that I've had some time to sit and figure out my path into 2015. The first two days of the year were full of travel, presenting information to co-workers, and trying to organize my work place. Today is reserved for getting my professional life up-to-date and in order.

I read a blog by a woman named Liz Ryan. Here's a link to her one of her blog posts. I enjoy her blog for several reasons. First, she offers practical advice for people who are looking for jobs. Now, I'm always in search of another situation, but not always formally, but my interns are formally looking for jobs, so I like to keep up. Second, she includes pictures that go along with her themes. These pictures are drawn by her and are watercolored or inked by her. I am a visual learner, so these pictures drew me into her blog world.

Well, in a recent post, Ms. Ryan suggested several things to do at the beginning of every year. First and foremost, take a bit of time to update your resume, even if you aren't looking for a new job. We all do wonderful and new things each year, but we don't often remember that these wonderful and new things can mean the difference between getting a job and losing out to the competition. I like that idea.

I like the idea of updating my resume at the start of each year. I literally just finished updating my curriculum vita from the last time I worked on it (2006! Yipes!!), and it was amazing how much I have accomplished in the last 8 years!! I have started webinars for interns and professionals, presented all around the world, helped to start an international online conference for music therapists, coordinated training for interns, become a member of one of the Boards with AMTA, and lots of other things as well! I can tell you there is nothing better for a shot of self-esteem than sitting down and adding to your resume/vita.

Something else I am going to do this day is to finish up a list of references that have indicated that they will offer opinions about my professional demeanor and strengths and weaknesses. I have contacted them and they are willing to talk about me with others.

The last thing to do today is to ensure that I have updated my AMTA membership. This, above all else, is an important part of my professional routine for the new year. Without membership, I am unable to continue to do something that I love - being an internship director! Even though my internship is going to go on inactive status, it is still important that I be a member of my professional organization. Sure, it's lots of money in this economy, but I get more out of the organization than I put in, so it's a good investment in both me and my profession.

Happy New Year!!


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