I Have Nothing to Say...

So, it's the early afternoon, and I am just now starting to write my post for this blog. I actually tried to start a post earlier, but it just ended up being one rant after another and then I had to go to an Online Conference for Music Therapy executive board meeting, and then I had to arrange a presentation for this evening, and then I just was not interested in writing anything, so I read for a time trying to take a nap!

Well, the nap didn't work, but now I have something to say...I think.

Who knows if this will be successful - I've already deleted a paragraph that was starting to feel like a rant... hmmm.

Here is a simple truth.

Music therapy is important.

You, music therapist, out there in the world, using music to assist others towards their own personal goals, are important.

Please don't ever forget that fact.

That's it.

Thank you for sharing this profession with me.



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