"I am NOT amused!"

Today's post is courtesy of my mother, evil plotter, who made me do this!
(That's my story, and I'm sticking with it!)

This is Bella-Leia. Do you notice the far-off look in her eye? She's contemplating how to slowly shred the skin off my body when I am least expecting it! Ms. Bella-Leia has retired to the bedroom right now - lots of busy napping to do - while I get to spend some time with folks from the Online Conference for Music Therapy - it's almost time for the conference, and then go to my part-time job to take down the Christmas decorations before tomorrow's church service. After that? Who knows!!

The days are getting more and more full of things I SHOULD be doing. That SHOULD goblin shows up more and more around this time of the year. Maybe it has something to do with it being a brand new year and all, but I really start to get overwhelmed during these long, cold days.

I think I'll keep this picture nearby so I can be immediately refreshed by the wisdom and calm in this picture (somewhat deceptively so since I had to wrap the cat in a towel in order to take the picture...). It will remind me that there are things in life that are not completely serious - for one, a cat in Leia buns.

Happy day, all!


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