Favorite Things Friday - Trips

I love to travel. I have been to many places here in the States and a handful of places outside the States. I love train trips, plane trips, boat trips, even car trips. The only thing I haven't done is go on a long bus trip. My perfect job would include traveling on a regular basis!

In my travels, I have roamed many places for music therapy purposes. The AMTA National Conference happens in a different place every year, so I get to go someplace new every year. Next year? Kansas City - not so exotic, considering that I currently live very close to KC, but still... who knows where I'll be in November. I've been to the World Congress of Music Therapy in Australia and hope to go to Japan in 2017. I've gone places to be a music therapy consultant and presenter. Traveling is a great adventure.

I'm getting ready for a trip at the end of next month.

Like many of the other trips, this one will be music therapy-related. The Online Conference for Music Therapy is starting the process of becoming a non-profit organization. To do this, we have to have a face-to-face meeting of the Executive Board. So, we are going to meet.

I'm excited about this for several reasons. First, I'll get a chance to actually see people who I have never seen in real-life before. Second, this is an important step for OCMT as an organization. Third, it's a trip!! In February!!

I am enjoying the planning of this trip as much (if not more than) the actual trip itself.

Does anyone else want to welcome a music therapist to their part of the world? I'm in the mood to travel. Where do you want to go?


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