Falling Behind, and It's Not Even Work Time Yet

Well, that's not really true. I did go back to work on Friday, but it was an inservice day, so that really doesn't count in my book. I only feel like I'm working when I'm actually doing music therapy, and you kinda need clients to be doing music therapy. Today is the day I get to go back to work!

I love the first day after a long break. Kids are happy to be back to school, and we have lots of discussions about what happened over the break. We are all happy to be part of our school routine, but that happiness doesn't really last long. The second day after break is never as smooth. We all have to get up yet again, and the routine is not as attractive as the idea of sleeping in and staying home. The second day is much more challenging. By day three, we are still working on making the routine routine again, but things get better.

Anyway, I am currently sitting here, thinking about what I need to do this week. The list is growing and growing, and I haven't even made it to work yet. Isn't that silly?

Here's what has to be done - both at work and at home...
  • Make a lunch
  • Cuddle with the cat (she's still a bit needy)
  • Deposit the part-time job's paycheck 
  • Take mail to the post office
  • Drive to work
  • Finalize session plans
  • Arrange for clients to sign up for lessons
  • Work on paperwork for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
  • Workout
  • Three music therapy groups - one where the group members don't have much of a therapeutic relationship with me - they've been working with my last intern up until now.
  • Clinical documentation
  • Make a video of my functional music skills
  •  Update the blog post from yesterday with a link to my video of functional skills
  • Make the bed, take a shower, and get some sleep. 
Well, that's a bit. Time to get ready to face the day. Here I go, off into the cold, COLD winter morning. 


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