The List is Getting Longer, Not Shorter

I've been home on Winter Break now for two days, and my to-do list is getting longer rather than shorter.

Now, I don't mean that I haven't done anything on the list - I have, but the problem with organizing is that the more you do it, the more there is to do. I've cleaned and cleared the bedroom, the front room, and the kitchen. I've tucked things into corners, I've shredded, recycled, and Cloroxed surfaces, and I can see most of the carpet again. This is a good thing and one that makes me feel a sense of accomplishment.

What does this mean to my day-to-day existence?

It means the cat knows something is up. She is hiccuping - a sign of separation anxiety. She is also spending time cuddling - she's currently sitting on my hands as I write this post.

It means that I can see what I don't need to have around me.

It means that things will be a bit more organized during the new year. Thank goodness.

So, what is still on this to-do list? Clean the entry way. Febreze the shoes. Eat homemade pizza for breakfast. Vacuum everything. Cuddle the cat. Clean the sheets and remake the bed. Monitor various email addresses to address any tasks and panics. Casually move a suitcase to the car without the cat's awareness. Christmas Eve service at 7pm. Back home. Sleep.


  1. we get to email you when we're panicked?!

    1. Ummmmm...

      Let me rethink that...


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