TME Tuesday - Autumn Song

This may just be me, trying to stave off the icy reality of winter, but here is an Autumn improvisation idea for this cold, windy November morning.

Autumn Song TME
Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC
All rights reserved.

Purpose: To increase awareness of environment; to engage in creative improvisation; to address social interaction; to provide opportunities for decision making and executive function; fine and gross motor skill development; symbol-meaning association; social interaction; increase knowledge of electronics and music production

Source: Original idea. © 9/6/2011 by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

Materials: place to write ideas for use by group; writing implement; instruments (Orff instruments, rhythm instruments, or other instruments to be used in the improvisation; OPTIONAL: guitar for accompaniment purposes; recording equipment

Environment: Group members within group setting, easy reach of instruments, and with eye contact with the therapist

Song/Chant/Words: Variable due to improvisatory nature of the experience.
Suggested Chord Format: minor blues progression

Procedure: R = Reinforcement opportunities; C = Redirection/Cue opportunities; A = Assessment
  1. C= ask group members to name the season
  2. A= assess whether group members know the name of the season
  3. R= reinforce all responses to cue through acknowledgement of correct answers and redirection of incorrect answers
  4. C= ask group members to name elements of the season that are typical of that season.
  5. Write all answers down where group members can see the words
  6. C= ask group members to choose 3-5 words for improvisation
  7. C= choose one word for first improvisation
  8. C= ask group members to choose instrument for first improvisation
  9. C= start improvisation with appropriate conducting gesture. Encourage sounds to correspond with the words chosen.
  10. C= ask group members to demonstrate how words sound
  11. R= reinforce all ideas and demonstrations as there are no wrong ideas in improvisation
  12. Play sounds for a set amount of time.
  13. Repeat steps 7-12 until group members start to show s/s of boredom, disinterest, or disengagement, or until time runs out.

Therapeutic Function of Music:

May pitch in specific sounds to illustrate different moods

None or improvised
Chart adapted from Hanson-Abromeit, D. (2010). A Closer Look at the Therapeutic Function of Music. Presentation at 2010 American Music Therapy Association National Conference: Cleveland, OH.

The music is the experience in this case, allowing for creative and group expression. As the music is the output of the experience, the therapeutic elements of music will vary between groups, sessions, and moment to moment.

  • Formulate rules about the musical product
  • Use pentatonic or modal scales to build improvisations

  • Change elements of the musical elements listed above to change the style of music produced. Ask group members to verbally process (if possible) the changes in the musical product.


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