AMTA Aftermath

It's been more than a week since the end of the AMTA Conference, and I am still trying to get back into my regular routine. I forget how much I rely on the Thanksgiving break to help me finish my processing, chores, and conference experience until I don't have that time immediately after conference. I keep remembering things I need to do when I'm driving myself to work, but I can't do anything about those things in the car, so they keep jumping to the AMTA To-Do list. The problem with this list is that I haven't actually written it down, so I forget that there is a list until I'm back in the car. Good news, though, Thanksgiving break is in five work days, so I should be able to start and finish my To-Do list next weekend. Whew!

Since I've returned, lots of things have happened in my music therapy life.
  • I've moved into my new music therapy space.
  • My schedule is now full of individual sessions, adapted music lesson master classes, and the group sessions I've been doing all along.
  • I've started a long-term project with the goal of a written project in mind.
  • I've sent out information about my internship handbook to the first round of reviewers.

All of these things in nine days. No wonder I'm tired!

It's time to sit down with my notepad and write down my new To-Do list - this is the first step in closing my AMTA 2014 experience. See you soon!!


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