Time Traveling

I spent most of yesterday in the past. I greeted one of my clients with, "Happy Tuesday." She looked at me strangely, walked with me a bit, and then said, "It's Wednesday." I had to think for a moment and then realized that she was right. I thanked her for setting me straight. Later, I was sitting down writing some notes about some music therapy reading that I have to get finished and wondered what the date was. I figured that it was October 23rd and kept going. A bit later, I found out that it was actually October 29th.

It's somewhat disconcerting to have this type of timeline dysfunction.

One of the things I learned about way way back in my undergraduate days was reality orientation. We discussed the necessity of providing our clients with a frame of mind that included the date, the time, the season, and other information that would keep them in the present rather than in a state of disorientation. I am sure that there is another term for this process, but I now understand some of the disorientation that can follow when you are not aware of the time around you.

So, I am going to spend this day reminding myself that it is October 30th, a Thursday, and time to be present in the moment. I am going to try to remember that I have reasons to be present here and now. Time for some reality orientation.

Move into the moment, music therapy friends. I'll see you soon.   

UPDATE: Well, I went to work and then got sick, so came home. I wonder if the time shift I experienced yesterday had anything to do with my current virus... Hmmm. Timeline dysfunction as a precursor to getting sick? I'll have to remember that...


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