An Insomnia Weekend

I've had an insomnia weekend where I've spent more time awake than asleep (at least that's how it seems to me). I have these every once in a while - times when I don't sleep soundly but have conscious thoughts going on all the time I am supposed to be sleeping. The lack of sustained sleep increases my stress levels which also increases my frustration and keeps me from resting.

The best thing about insomnia (for me, and I am TOTALLY being sarcastic here) is that obsession comes right along with it. I can usually compartmentalize my life very well. Work issues and ideas stay mostly at work. Home events and situations stay mostly at home. It is a good system that totally goes by the wayside when I cannot sleep deeply.

This weekend's obsession? Workboxes. That's right, the project that is helping me find my creative side and get motivated to be at work is also contributing to my lack of sleep.

I am not sure if I am having insomnia because I am obsessed with workboxes or whether my obsession with the workboxes is causing the insomnia. Either way, I'm ready for it to stop.

I have actively resisted doing any work on this project at home other than thinking about it lots and lots. I'm concerned that I don't get paid for working here at home, and I need some sort of payment for the amount of work that I'm doing with these projects. I'm also concerned about intellectual property and want to ensure that what I develop for the kids at my facility has no conflict of interest. So, I have been thinking about the types of tasks I can make, but I've been trying to shut that part of my brain off this weekend. I think that may be why my subconscious is taking that topic and using it over and over again while I try to sleep.

I'm going to work on task development today at work in between sessions and observing my intern doing her sessions. If I'm good at managing my resources, I'll have plenty to assemble as I am sitting outside of her sessions listening and observing. If not, I'll be coloring, writing scripts, and trying to figure out what goes next.

One of the problems with this type of task is that it is never-ending. It will never end but keep going as long as I have a creative impulse in my body and my brain. 

Hopefully, being able to work on these tasks today will allow me to sleep tonight. That's the hope, anyway.


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