12-Hour Day Ahead...

One of the worst things about working at my job is the occasional 12-hour day. 

Today is one of those days, and I am trying to get myself geared up for the experience. I have to spend time trying this out since I can't seem to get the hang of so much time at work. It's a good thing that we only do this between 3-5 times per year. The problem is we do this between 3-5 times per year.

Today's agenda includes moving my desk out of the temporary office that I'm in since it is actually someone else's desk. I get a significantly smaller desk that I'll have to share with my current intern. (The hope is that I'll actually be going into my newly built room in 15 days, so I guess I'll be able to share space that long, but I have a large personal space and am not sure that the close proximity will be good for my mental outlook...) Then, I get to sit through 2 hours of talking before starting to spend time trying to get my new desk area organized so we both can fit. Do you think that will take up 10 hours of my day? Doubtful.

The other situation is that my computer monitor is still not working so I cannot even complete my documentation or work on the computer part of my workbox project. Sigh.

Time for some reframing here.

  • Isn't it wonderful that I have a job?
  • I get to work (most days) with a group of eclectic, challenging, and fascinating kids in a music therapy environment - just not today.
  • There are light fixtures in the ceiling of my new room - they aren't yet hooked up to electricity, but considering they weren't even present on Monday, I can see progress! That makes me feel that this renovation ordeal may be over very soon. (Fingers crossed!)
  • I will find some space to sit in with my personal laptop today. Maybe I'll even get some work done?
  • I get to spend lots of time watching television and movies today as other people have to do progress notes - there is a definite advantage to being a non-IEP based service provider! I love being someone who provides psychiatric treatment services as well as educational enrichment services to my students. It's nice to have to write daily notes but not have the headache of quarterly notes - especially since I wouldn't have only 7-10 notes to write, but 95!
I'm starting to feel a bit more positive about what I'm going to be doing today.

Yesterday's post spoke about the minutiae - the little things that happen to you, as a human, that affect your performance and job satisfaction. For me, the trick has always been to find a job where the rewards are greater than the annoyances. If the annoyances outnumber the rewards, it is time to leave the job.

Alright, I'm off to shower, move desks, and attempt to organize my space in the next 15 hours. I'll be thinking about my Favorite Things Friday post, so stay tuned!

See you all soon!!!


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