Wonderful Things Happening

So, on the Lickert scale of wonderful, you may not rank these events as high as I do, but I am excited about things that are happening around me these days. Here are some of these "wonderful things" that are happening to me:
  1. I had the chance to talk to the contractor about where my cabinets are going in the new room that is being made at my facility. His idea was not the idea that I developed, but I'm fine with that. I figured my idea would be pooh-poohed anyway - it is occasionally asked for but then completely ignored. He told me that the flooring guy was coming next week to lay the carpet - PROGRESS! There still aren't any electrical outlets, but there is some progress.
  2. It is television box set release time!! I have received the last season of Castle, and The Big Bang Theory is on its way to me! I love new television box sets. I also got a great deal from the Disney Movie Club and got The Muppet Show: Season Two for free! Every time I watch season one, I get great ideas for Therapeutic Music Experiences (TMEs), so I am anticipating that season two will also show me lots of things to do with my clients!
  3. My intern is starting to act as therapist rather than musician or entertainer. This is always a slow process, but now is the time that transformation starts. It is a wonderful process to see and assist in (in a little way).
  4. The weather is more cool than hot these days. It's a good thing when the temperatures fall to the range between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  5. Yesterday's sunrise was exquisite. It was a blend of turquoise, pink, red, blue, silver, and gold. I had the chance to drive into that sunrise all the way to work. I don't often see the sunset right now, but that experience will be coming pretty soon. So, I'll see the sun rise and set on my drives to and from work. That is a wonderful thing.
I'm on the look out for more wonderful things. 

What do you see that is wonderful?


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