TME Tuesday - Instrument Hunt

I love puzzles, mysteries, and maps, so I often write these types of experiences for my students. Here is an idea that I haven't been able to use for a long time since I don't have one space anymore since we are renovating and all. It is something I will use again, though! I just have to wait on the construction guys to finish up the music room space...

Instrument Hunt

Purpose: To address object identification; to increase directive compliance; to practice multi-step sequencing; to allow for client choice

Source: Original idea. © July 8, 2008 by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

Materials: Assorted instruments; hiding places in music area; pictures of instruments; OPTIONAL – file folder with map indicating hiding places; PECS indicating directions to look

Song: Could use Oh No! or I Spy or Look Around the Music Room or another songs about seeking something out. In this case, the music accompanies the task rather than driving it.

  1. Arrange instruments in hiding places prior to client entry into the room
  2. Keep instrument pictures close during the session for use during the song
  3. Song lyrics provide directives for locating instruments
  4. Start singing song, showing picture of indicated instrument to client
  5. Encourage client to leave session area to find the indicated instrument
  6. Reinforce appropriate responses. Provide assistance if needed. Redirect to additional instruments if needed by client
  7. Continue to sing song until all clients have instruments, all instruments have been found, or until clients start to show signs/symptoms of disinterest
Procedure (File Folder):
  1. Arrange instruments in hiding places prior to client entry into the room
  2. Mark hiding places on file folder map – use appropriate pictures, icons, and/or words to increase client recognition of items
  3. Song lyrics provide directives for locating instruments
  4. Start singing song, showing picture of indicated instrument to client
  5. Encourage client to leave session area to find the indicated instrument
  6. Reinforce appropriate responses. Provide assistance if needed. Redirect to additional instruments if needed by client
  7. Continue to sing song until all clients have instruments, all instruments have been found, or until clients start to show signs/symptoms of disinterest

  • Use different songs for clients with different skill levels
  • Have clients hide instruments and mark the map
  • Send one client outside the session while another client hides the instrument and provides clues – like Hot and Cold game
Can you tell that this TME is pretty old school? Not much like the ones I write today.

What would you do with this TME? How would you adapt it for your clients?? 


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