Comfortable With Disorganization?

I am finding that I have a specific level of disorganization that I can live with comfortably. Unfortunately, I have surpassed this level recently and am struggling with the disorganization that surrounds me everywhere these days.

I think much of the struggle comes from the fact that my clinical storage is not organized AT ALL! At this moment, right now, all of my stuff is scattered between a small storage closet, a larger room that is shared with the Art Therapist and all of her materials, and home. I'm not sure where everything is in my area, and I cannot just put my hands on the things that I need when I need them.

This increases my frustrations with disorganization.

I talk to people all the time about how to organize their stuff. This topic comes from my years and years of struggling with just this very thing - too much stuff, lack of organization, and a tendency towards being a packrat (currently looking more and more like a hoarder, but I am REALLY trying not to go that route!). 

On my desk right now, there is a stack of file folders and books, pieces of CD covers for file folder activities, my lunchbox, some crochet patterns, my daily meds, the remote controls, and all of my blogging, business, and project files. There are headphones, the microphone, and writing utensils. It is overwhelming, but I cannot seem to get ready to move it on or fix the problem. It will take some cognitive retraining and lots of effort on my end.

Tomorrow will be the first step in claiming some control over this current mess. I will spend most of the day trying to reorganize my materials into a system that will allow me to find things quickly and efficiently. (I really want my large cabinets back!). I will try to continue that pattern once I get to my home in order to bring about a bit of organization in my living space. It's time to get started on this early morning. I think I will start with my desk.

Headphones go here... Remote controls go here... Papers go here... and on and on...

Hope to see you all in an organized manner later...


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