An Empty Afternoon - Well, Not Really

I have an unexpected luxury ahead of me today - an afternoon free of meetings. This is a good thing that will, hopefully, give me an opportunity to do some much needed organizing and packing. The problem that I have is that the promise of uninterrupted time in my isolated office area may not actually happen, but it's not for lack of trying.

Today's list of things to do? Making up a sub box for paras to run on the (now only occasional) days when I am out sick. I'm thinking the parachute belongs there, several games should be there, and some special music playlists also need to be in the box. In addition to the materials, there have to be some instructions on how to use the stuff - otherwise, the paras will just look at it. I also need to pack up some of my stuff, yet again, to prepare for yet another move into an inadequate space that I will be sharing with the Art Therapist. I'm not exactly sure when said move will occur, so stuff has to be accessible, clearly labeled, and contained so the maintenance guys can actually move things over. Also, I need to talk to my intern, nothing serious, just catching up after a week where she was ill, observing another therapist, and when we had a faculty meeting that interrupted her regular consultation time. It's past time to talk. Oh, then there are clinical notes (I FINALLY caught up with last week's notes on Friday, but I will have to do today's notes.) I'm sure there will be other chores that make it onto the "To-Do" list once I get over to my office in the different building...

Of course, this is what I would like to be doing - taking a nap, but that will not happen. I WILL STAY AWAKE!

I have been trying to figure out how to maximize my time when I have chunks of time without client interaction. This is not my favorite thing to do - I much prefer being involved with music and my clients, but there is simply no place for me to run individual sessions in the new school building. There is no place that I can go until offices are completely claimed and training is over. I can have lots of temporary places, but we run the risk of being kicked out of any and every place that is available right now. It's better not to have to try to find a new place to be in the middle of a session. So, nobody is doing individual treatment right now - there is no place to be. As a result, there are lots of blocks of time in my schedule to fill.

Today's block of time is actually nice because I know that the meeting that was scheduled for this afternoon was canceled last week. I can leave the school building for my office building at 11:45am and remain at my office for the rest of the day. This doesn't usually happen this way - generally I don't get the message that a meeting has been canceled, so I sit there and wait for a group of people who never arrive. That can't happen today - the meeting is ALREADY canceled! So, I can count on 4 hours of time to get some things accomplished. Oh, something else I have to do - coordinate my intern's schedule into treatment and office time with the new school format...

Maybe, when I get finished with all of the work, I will have some time to play music just for me... 


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