Sing A Song Sunday - Yellow Submarine

I picked up one of my favorite songbooks today, The Reader's Digest Children's Songbook, and I flipped to page 74 when I opened up the book. Lo and behold, there was the song, Yellow Submarine, by the Beatles. One of the best things about the Reader's Digest Songbooks is that there are short paragraphs at the beginning of each song that offer a bit of history about the song.

Now, I don't know much about Beatles lore, but I found the story of the movie, Yellow Submarine, made the song make much more sense to me. If you're interested, I recommend either watching the movie or reading the blurb in the songbook (how's that for piquing the interest?).

Here's the song chart! How would you use this with your clients?
I wonder how I'll use this...


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