I Can See the Tunnel!

So, if you've been a regular reader of this blog lately, you know that my facility is involved in renovation - major renovation - that has lasted longer than it was supposed to (as always) and that affects the art therapist and myself more than anyone else at this point.

We were told yesterday that we were moving in by Tuesday.

Now, this is good news as it means that all of our clients will be schooled within the same complex (no more moving out in the 100+ degree F temperature with a rickety cart full of music instruments and scarves), but it also means a change in schedule, new classroom assignments, and stressed out teachers wondering how they are going to move their classrooms over a holiday weekend here in the states. It also means that the creative arts therapists are still homeless until their parts of the renovation are complete. I am one of those therapists.

So, I feel that I've progressed to the point where I can see the tunnel, but I'm not in the tunnel yet, and I can't see the end of the tunnel yet.

My poor intern is having to ride this out with me. She'll get to go through four major schedule changes and routines during her seven months with me. She gets to figure out how to change groups in mid-stream, she has a totally new group of clients to work with on Wednesday, and I have no guidance for her. I've never had to go through this before. I can't even give her any encouragement about how to proceed. None of us do. All I can tell her is that I'll be there with her as the process happens.

Now, we've all been through the process of packing up and starting to move before, so many of my fellow staff members are not really believing that this will actually happen. I know that I am settled in my current office location until the end of October (at least), so I don't have as much skepticism on the surface as the teachers at the school. I am just wondering how long it will take before I can get some semblance of the therapy sessions that I think my clients really need.

The tunnel is there. I can see it in the distance, encouraging me to just keep moving forward...one step at a time... day after day... session after session...


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