10 Songs I'll Listen To For the Rest of My Life

Hello, readers. I've got to tell you about a blog post that I just found that is probably going to influence some of my posts for a bit. Wendy Nielsen, over at Writing A New Story, posted a link with several writing prompts, and I'm ready to dive in! The first one I chose is #51 on her list.

The Ten Songs I'll Listen To For the Rest of My Life:

(NOTE: This is really a difficult idea for me since I have music that comes and goes in my life, but I think I'll be able to find 10 songs that are mine forever... Just know that I may have to shuffle the list if another great song arrives...)
  1.  I'm Going to Go Back There Today - I love lots of music from the Muppets, but this one is my absolute favorite of all times. Gonzo is so pensive, hopeful, and resigned to his fate. My favorite lyric? "There's not a name yet, for old friends who've just met." It gives me shivers.
  2. The World Ain't Slowin' Down - Ellis Paul - This song came as part of my Me, Myself, and Irene soundtrack. I probably bought the CD because it was on sale, but this song has the perfect combination of musical elements and fanciful lyrics that just connects with me. "You gotta get gone, you gotta get goin." Okay. Time to go!
  3. Heart of Mine - Peter Sallett - I fell in love with this one when watching the movie, Keeping the Faith, and I couldn't stop thinking about the song snippet until I found it! Again, it has a good combination of musical elements for me. The music complements the lyrics, and I can understand every word! Words are important for me.
  4. Love Potion #9 - This one just makes me grin. Need I say more?
  5. If I Had a $1,000,000 - Barenaked Ladies - Again, it's the story. I guess I am more and more drawn to the words, but those words have to be supported with good music. If the musical arrangement is lousy, I'm not drawn into the musical experience. I don't think I would like these songs as much if they weren't supported by the right tempi, timbres, and harmonies.
  6. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Barenaked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan - Again, just a fun song. I love all the elements coming together. It's the one song that puts me in the holiday mood more than any other. I listen to this one on repeat...
  7. Past the Point of No Return - Andrew Lloyd Webber - I am a musical fan as well as a soundtrack fan. This song is the culmination of one of the major stories in the musical - the surrender of Christine to the phantom (or so he thinks...)
  8. High, Middle, Low - Sesame Street - My siblings and I learned how to sing in parts listening to this song. It has strong extramusical associations for me - memories of sitting in my brother's room (he had the record player in there), taking turns singing each of the melody lines. We spent hours harmonizing to this song, and all know how to sing in parts to this day.
  9. Classical Gas - Mason Williams - Finally, something without lyrics! I love how this piece moves and develops, becoming more and more complex. I will NEVER be able to play this piece, but I am grateful for great guitarists out there that can produce music like this.
  10. I Know A Place Where No One Ever Goes - I apologize for not having any information or a good link to this song, but it is one of my favorite songs for my own relaxation. It promotes breathing, long lyrical passages, and thoughts of peace - very introverted thoughts included in the lyrics. It's all about being in the place that gives you needed calming and opportunities to be with yourself. I love this song and sing it often to myself.
Wow. Ten songs. It's interesting how this is a simple exercise and a difficult one at the same time.

What are your 10 life-time song choices?


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