Honesty Post - Looking and Looking

I'm in need of some inspirational thoughts.

'Tis the season for sunshine, high temperatures, and the end of summer school. So, 'tis my season for headaches, asthma attacks, and grumpiness. Added to everything else is the need to pack up my entire music therapy storage room and get ready to move as soon as we come back to school on August 7th. Added to that is the fact that everyone else is going to move into a newly renovated classroom, ready to go, while I get to move into yet another closet area. My room will not be finished for at least another month, if not two months. More itinerant therapy - HOORAY?? The good news is that all of my clients will be under one roof again. The bad news is that my stuff will be strewn all over the facility, so getting things ready may be a bit more challenging than it has been this year. Feel sorry for me yet?

So, I am looking for some inspiration.

I want a thought to cling to as I try to run therapy while everyone around me uses that time to loudly pack cabinets and boxes. I need something that will keep me from screaming when someone starts to complain. I also need a thought that will keep me going when I have to go in early and stay late so I can get some packing done. What is that thought?

This too shall pass?
It just doesn't matter?
Always look on the bright side of life?
Change is good?

Somehow, none of these thoughts are providing the inspiration that I need. So, off I go into the fray to arrive at work an hour early, stay at work an hour late, and then try to supervise quality therapy groups, all while trying to figure out how I'm going to get things packed up and moved to an otherwise unspecified location - some cabinets somewhere in the building...

Today's task? Crate all of the books that I have in one of my closets. Second, take some of the Orff instruments to the other closet so I don't have to take them on August 7th. Then, take home the antique chest that's been sitting in my office all year. I hope it fits in my little car.

Any thoughts on inspiration?   



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