
For the last two days, I have not been able to formulate a coherent thought for this blog. I have tried. I started countless thoughts that either took off into a rant that had NOTHING to do with music, therapy, or me, OR I just started rambling around and around. So, I've decided to just go with it. Here are the things that I started this week. I will stop the topics before I turn them into rants since that's why I've deleted them. Time for my random thoughts to come spurting out for all to read about...

Failed Blog Post #1 - The Temperature - It is hot outside. It's not as hot as it will be getting later in the season, but this is the first taste of summer weather for us this year. The heat affects me in strange ways, and I'm sure that my students are affected as well. This week's sessions have certainly been out of the ordinary - some kids have burst into tantrums. Others have been very helpful when they do not give me the time of day during most sessions. It's just been strange. During times like these, I wonder if my attitude, feelings, and internal situations are overshadowing my clients' or if we are all sharing the same type of feelings, attitudes, and internal situations. All I know is that I am hot, sticky, achy, and finding it difficult to breathe in this hot, wet air...

Failed Blog Post #2 - Where Have All the Bloggers Gone? - One of the things that I like to do when I have a bit of time that needs to be filled is to explore the world of music therapy blogs. Nothing frustrates me more than to find what I consider to be the perfect blog post written by a music therapist that has good ideas and then find that the blogger hasn't continued writing. I always want more. So, if you are going to start a music therapy blog, please write in it! I'm out there looking for you and your thoughts - no matter how important you think they are. Please share!!

Failed Blog Post #3 - Learning the Calendar - I woke up this morning thinking it was Thursday. It wasn't. It was Wednesday. I was very disappointed when I figured out that it was Wednesday. This isn't because I dread my Wednesdays - much the opposite. I enjoy the classroom groups and students that I have on Wednesdays. They are very enjoyable, but for some reason this week, Wednesday was not something that I was anticipating with positive thoughts. I blame the weather. The overnight temperatures hover around 80 degrees Fahrenheit so there really isn't any relief from the heat. Maybe that has something to do with it...

Failed Blog Post #4 - Ideas - Ideas just keep popping into my head for short periods of time and then flee as quickly as they arrive...

Failed Blog Post #5 - The Mess is Taking Over - enough said?

Failed Blog Post #6 - Sjkjgpoiaser SDfpaouulsdknf - My brain has officially overheated and is gone...


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