
I went to Walmart really early this morning to troll the leftover Valentine's Day candy and THERE WAS NONE!

Let me repeat that.


The candy aisle was already converted into Easter candy - nothing Valentine's Day was left in the entire store! I couldn't believe it! What a disappointment.

On the other hand, I did buy laundry detergent, fabric softener, cough drops for my choir members, cat food, and a new book! Hooray!

I am still disappointed with the lack of cheap chocolate available at my local store, though. It seems to be a conspiracy against me and my intrinsic need for chocolate at less than retail prices.

There has to be a song in there somewhere - it will be a blues song, of course!

Went to my Walmart, (buh duh duh dum)
Walked around the store. (buh duh duh dum)
Had a hankerin' for choc'late (buh duh duh dum)
Couldn't find it any more...

I strolled around and around the place,
Looking for a treat.
Shoulda seen the look on my pathetic face,
It was anything but sweet!

Out of strong emotion comes beautiful music (or, maybe not ;-). ).

Anyway, I'll be hitting the grocery store tomorrow to see if there is anything left in the town for less than retail price. I'm prepared for more disappointment, if it has to happen...



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