Back to the Real World

Today's post is all about random thoughts.

Yesterday, I posted about the Online Conference for Music Therapy, an event that I am involved with (up to my eyeballs, at times). Today, I am getting ready to venture out into the real world of routine, work, and leisure. I made a brief foray into the world of work yesterday when I went to my part-time job as a choir director, but today I need to get back into the swing of things at work. I've been neglecting my interns' assignments. I've been trying to keep my metaphorical head above water for the past week, and now I think I can see the shore in front of me.

All of my discussion lately about creativity drains, being overwhelmed, and the like may have come to an end. I created a new song last Thursday, and wonder of wonders, my interns remembered enough of it for me to replicate it the next day!! I will write it into Therapeutic Music Experience (TME) form soon so it is a permanent part of my TME file. Then, I will need to practice it so it becomes part of my permanent repertoire.

There is something quite fulfilling about improvising a song that turns out to be a successful experience for my clients. When a song is just right for the moment and for the client, you can feel their engagement, their interest, and their enthusiasm. It is intoxicating - something that just fuels your own desire to interact with them in a musical manner and to keep that interaction going as long as they can possibly tolerate it.

So, the plan for today is to dive into the assignments sent by my junior intern so I can be caught up for her supervision session this afternoon. Try to get to the level of interaction that I want with most of my clients, and keep my interest in music therapy alive and well within myself.

One of the recurring themes of OCMT 2014 - Beyond Borders was self-care and mindfulness. Maybe it's time for me to sit down with a vision board and restarting my vision for myself as a music therapist, business owner, and internship director. Hmmm...



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