That's Over!

Do you ever look back on a situation and wonder why you waited so long to acknowledge the situation?

I am recovering from the first major surgery and hospital stay in my life, and I am glad that it is over! I am also glad that the timeline for "fixing" me played out in the best possible way for us all. I am also grateful to the people in my life who told me that I needed to do something very difficult for me, "take advantage" of them.

I went into my bowel resection surgery with lots of trepidation. I had anxiety moments filled with scenes where they could not keep me under the anesthesia (did not happen, though I did apparently try to slide off the operating table once), where I awoke with a total colostomy (also did not happen), and where I didn't wake up at all leaving my mother to coordinate my funeral, junk distribution, and cat care. Thankfully, none of that happened, and I am on the mend!

This is a good thing as it allows me to deal with the additional stressors that have popped up around here lately. These include mystery leaks from "somewhere in the wall" that will include a three man plumbing crew as well as three days of jack hammering to fix. This gets started tomorrow as I am still on vacation and under a "rest" order by my surgeon. I'm not sure what I will do with all of the renovations that will have to occur, but I am ever so thankful that I am able to drive away with my little Bella if needed! In addition to the mystery leaks, I have had problems with the air conditioner, the sliding glass door, a strange deviled egg smell, and leaks from both toilets. Ugh. Mom took care of most of that while I was attached to a morphine pump and catheter. Timing is really an important part of everything.

It is now time to start thinking about music therapy for this new school year. What will I do now that my big, beautiful music room is no more? What will music therapy look like in the 2013-2014 school year? Who will be arriving to be interns at my facility?

I get excited at the beginning of each and every school year. It is a time where students and teachers alike can make goals for themselves, so I will be doing that in the next several days. Stay tuned!

I'm going to go lie down now - gotta keep my strength up!


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